Social proof is the lifeblood of health & fitness marketing

If you market a health/fitness solution, you are asking people to follow you on a transformative journey.

Rightfully, people want proof your solution works. Social proof, which comes in many flavors.

Customer testimonials

The gold standard of social proof: stories of transformation from satisfied customers. Visual testimonials, which show the customer’s transformation, are even more powerful.

@anymanfitness does a good job with these.

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Stories of founder transformation

Many health and fitness solutions are launched because the founder found a unique way to solve their health issue. Founder are powerful proof of both the viability of the solution and the expertise of the founder.


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Credentials and certifications

Science and medical degrees, nutritional certifications, and physical training certifications boost authority and credibility.

Scientific evidence

Independent studies and supportive facts reduce skepticism:

The dominant decision-making chains for participants in the two scientific evidence categories were similar. Scientific evidence was an important decision-making factor but not as important as the advice from health care providers, friends and family.

Influencer and celebrity endorsements

A celebrity can embody the ideal result--or persona--your prospect wants to achieve. A celebrity endorsement is a cognitive shortcut for both crediblity and your transformative promise.


Third-party seals of approval

Solutions “approved” by trusted third party organizations have been used for eons as social proof. The AHA”s “Heart Healthy” designation is one example.


Systematize social proof

The best marketers create communication systems to both gather and share social proof. Ask for testimonials, for example. Build your email list and social audiences you have platforms to share the successes of your customers.


Don’t Sleep on a Morning Walk


Struggling to lose weight? Try spending less time doing cardio.