Review and Notes: The Power of Favor, by Joel Osteen

The Power of Favor, by Joel Osteen

The Power of Favor Review

If you’ve read one Joel Osteen book, I’m pretty sure you’ve read every Joel Osteen book. 

That’s my impression, anyway, after reading “The Power of Favor.”

Osteen, the minister of Lakewood Church in Houston, oversees a vast evangelical empire, including a large television network and numerous best-selling books.

Osteen has been criticized for preaching the “prosperity gospel”— — the message that following God will, in simple terms, make you wealthy and fabulous if you just follow him. 

The Power of Favor has its faults. It’s overly simplistic. It’s repetitive. It focuses too heavily on using God as a fulcrum for ease and material wealth.

Certain passages are cringeworthy:

Going to the mall, say, “Lord, thank You that Your favor will help me find what I need.” The favor of God will help you get the best deals.

And yet, the book isn’t completely without merit.

Osteen hammers home a helpful mindset: that God is for us, and we can only be our best selves and accomplish our greatest goals through and for Him. 

He reminds us that God is our source—not our paycheck or business—and that we should seek him and give thanks in all things.

If you’re looking for a dose of hope and a reminder that God is for you, and life can suddenly change for the better, then there are worse things to read The Power of Favor. 

However, if you are looking for better better balance and peace in a God-centered life, I recommend John Mark Comer’s “The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry.”

The Power of Favor: Chapter-by-chapter highlights

CHAPTER ONE The Power of Favor

What God has in your future you can’t accomplish on your own. There are places He’s going to take you that you can’t get to by yourself.

God has put something on you that gives you an advantage, something that will open doors that you can’t open, something that will make you stand out in the crowd. It’s called “favor.” Favor will cause good breaks to come to you. Favor will take you from the background to the foreground. Favor will give you preferential treatment, things you don’t deserve.

God told Noah to build an ark, a 450-foot-long boat. Noah wasn’t a builder. That wasn’t his profession. It seemed impossible, but God will never ask you to do something and not give you the favor to do it.

You keep honoring God, believing and expecting. The favor on your life will cause the right people to show up.

Having favor doesn’t mean you won’t have challenges, but favor is what’s going to keep the challenges from defeating you, and sometimes God will put you in a situation so He can show you His favor.

God is going to do some things that bring you into prominence, into new levels of influence and credibility. People can debate what you say, but they can’t debate what they see.

What God can do for you in one moment will put you fifty years down the road. That’s the power of God endorsing you.

One thing I’ve learned is that you can’t keep a favored man down. You can’t keep a favored woman down. You may have some obstacles, situations that are unfair. That doesn’t mean you don’t have favor. Challenges come to us all, but favor is why you’re not going to stay down. Favor is why you’re going to rise back to the top.

Joseph spent thirteen years in the background, being overlooked and mistreated. There were plenty of lonely nights. He didn’t get bitter. He kept doing the right thing.

Much as with a bow and arrow, the more the enemy tries to pull you back, the more you’re going to go forward.

God is not going to just deliver you, not going to just bring you out, He’s going to endorse you. He’s going to put you in a position of prominence where people can see you honored, respected, and admired.

God has some of these destiny moments already lined up for you. You can’t see them now. If He showed you, you’d think, There’s no way.

When God does it, it catapults you ahead, and it’s not going to take a long time. Yes, you have to be faithful. Joseph was in difficult places for thirteen years, but it only took him an hour to get out.

What would happen if we’d get up each day and say, “Father, thank You for endorsing me today. Let people see that I am Your child”?

Favor Is Given to Fulfill Your Purpose

When God endorses you, it will cause you to stand out.

Favor is given to fulfill your purpose. It’s to advance His kingdom. When your dreams are tied to helping others, to making the world a better place, to lifting the fallen, then you will come into some of those “that day” moments when God will shine more on you than you’ve ever imagined. When God can trust you, He will take you from obscurity to notoriety.

I believe and declare you are coming into a new level of prominence, a new level of influence, a new level of income.

CHAPTER TWO Declare Favor

there is a connection between speaking favor and receiving favor.

Every day you should declare, “I have the favor of God. Favor is on my family. Favor is on my health. Favor is on my business. Favor is on my finances.” When you speak something out, you give it the right to come to pass. When you face difficult situations, instead of being discouraged, thinking, Why did this happen? you need to declare, “The favor of God is turning this around. Favor is bringing healing, freedom, vindication, and victory into my life.”

Speak favor over your finances. “Father, thank You that Your favor is bringing me clients. Thank You that Your favor is causing me to stand out. Thank You that what I touch will prosper and succeed.” The Scripture says, “Jesus increased in favor with God and with people.” You can increase in favor. The more you thank God for it, the more you declare it, the more favor you’re going to see.

“Father, thank You that Your favor is endorsing me. Thank You that Your favor is bringing me into prominence. Thank You that Your favor is taking me to new levels.” That’s not just being positive. That’s releasing your faith for the favor of God.

“Father, thank You that my children have favor with their teachers, favor with other students, favor that causes them to excel.” David did this. He said, “Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life.” In one Bible translation, the word goodness is favor. David was saying, “Surely favor follows me all my life.”

Nehemiah didn’t stop there. He said, “One more thing, King. I don’t have any supplies to rebuild the wall. I don’t have any money. I need a letter from you that tells the people who own the lumber mills and the stone quarries to give me the materials I need.” When you know you have favor, you’ll have a boldness, a confidence to ask big, to expect advantages. Again the king said yes.

In Nehemiah 2, he said, “The king granted me these requests because the gracious hand of God was upon me.”

“Lord, I recognize this was Your goodness. Thank You for favoring me. Thank You for making things happen that I couldn’t make happen.”

When you face situations that seem impossible, don’t talk about how big the problem is. Do as Nehemiah did and start declaring, “The gracious hand of God is on my life.”

The Scripture says, “If you will acknowledge God in all your ways, He will crown your efforts with success.”

The prophet Zechariah said, “Ask for rain in the time of rain.” In the Scripture, rain represents favor.

Every time you declare favor, you’re asking for the rain. That’s what allows God to show out in your life.

Instead of being discouraged, thinking, Look how big these obstacles are, my attitude was, Look how big my God is. Father, thank You that Your favor is bringing the right people, people who will get behind the vision. Thank You that Your favor is making a way where I don’t see a way.

The apostle Peter says, “Hope to the end, for the divine favor that is coming.”

I finally had to interrupt him and say, “We’ve talked long enough about the problems. Let’s start talking about the solution. Let’s start talking about what God can do. Let’s talk about the fact that favor is on the way.” We prayed together. Then I said, “There’s something you have to do. Every morning, you need to declare, ‘I have the favor of God. Favor is bringing me new clients. Favor is turning my business around.’ Then all through the day, under your breath, keep thanking God for that favor.” I saw him several months later. He was like a new person, beaming with joy. He told how, at his lowest moment, when he thought he was done, a company that he had never worked for contacted him and asked him to make a presentation. They chose him over several major firms. He said, “With this one new client, I will have more income than from all my other clients combined.” He was on pace to have a record year.

What you’re facing may seem impossible. Don’t talk about the problem. Talk about the solution.

When you face challenges, don’t get discouraged. Speak favor over them. Look at your bank account and speak favor to it. “I will lend and not borrow. What I touch will prosper and succeed.” Speak favor over your health. “This sickness is not the end.

I want to make a declaration of favor over you. If you let this take root in your spirit, I believe chains that have held you back are going to be broken, and you’re going to be released into a new level of your destiny. I declare that right now the favor of God is on your life in a new way. I declare favor over your family, favor over your marriage, favor over your finances. I declare favor at work, favor with your boss, favor with your colleagues, favor with your clients. I declare favor is opening new doors of opportunity, bringing promotion, increase, and abundance, causing the right people to be drawn to you. I declare favor over your health, strength, energy, wholeness. You are free from sickness, chronic pain, depression, and addictions. I speak favor over every force that’s trying to stop you, and I declare that mountain is becoming a molehill. As with Nehemiah, God’s favor is going to accelerate it. Things are going to happen sooner than you think. I declare the favor of God is going to catapult you to a new level. You’re going to take new ground, set new standards, and reach the fullness of your destiny.

CHAPTER THREE Favor Connections

Find some favor connections, people who are going places, people who are at a higher level, people who have what you’re dreaming about.

When God puts you with a group of eagles, don’t have a chicken mentality. Don’t start talking about how you’ve never seen anything like that, how that could never happen for you. Let it take root inside. Breathe it in. Get used to it. That’s where God is taking you.

When you recognize the favor on a person’s life, and you respect that favor by connecting with it, by honoring them and learning from them, that favor will come back to you.

When we see people who are more successful, more talented, more blessed than us, it’s easy to get jealous, try to compete, discredit them, talk about what they’re doing wrong and how they’re not talented. “They’re just lucky.” Here’s a key: If you can’t celebrate other people’s success, you will never get to where they are.

If you’re only sowing into your level, then your level is all that’s going to come back. You need to sow into where you want to go. Swallow your pride and sow honor into that supervisor at work. Sow respect into that colleague who’s really talented. They’re not in your life by accident. God put them there as a favor connection. As you connect to them, new doors will open for you.

The favor on their life is an indication of what God is about to do in yours.

In the Scripture, when they poured oil on the head of Aaron, the high priest, it flowed down to the rest of his body. This is symbolic. Oil represents favor, and when you’re connected to people with favor, the more blessed they are, the more blessed you’ll be.

the enemy works overtime to try to get us jealous of one another, competing and trying to pull one another down. He wants us to get stuck where we are.

Look around, find the people whom God is blessing, and connect with them. Don’t be intimidated or jealous. If you honor, respect, and sow into them, that favor will come back to you.

Who you’re connected to is extremely important. There are blessings that belong to you that are attached to the people God has placed in your life, and if you’re not seeing any fish, you need to evaluate who you’re connected to.

CHAPTER FOUR Distinctive Favor

The Most High God has set you apart. He could have chosen anyone, but He handpicked you, called you out, and said, “That’s one of Mine.” Right now, His face is shining down on you.

The Scripture says, “For houses you didn’t build, for vineyards you didn’t plant.” It’s not because of who you are; it’s because of Whose you are.

Your job is not your source. God is your source. The economy doesn’t determine whether or not you’re blessed; God does. He has already marked you for favor. He’s already put this distinction on your life. Dare to pray bold prayers. Believe for unusual favor. Take the limits off God. You’ve been set apart.

customers, but it’s as if new customers are always finding me.” Psalm 37 says, “Even in famine, the righteous will have more than enough.”

As long as you stay close to God, as long as you keep Him first place, you are connected to a supply line that will never run dry.

He tried for many years to build a new church sanctuary, but every time he tried to move forward, he felt an unrest, knowing it wasn’t the right time. In 1986, Houston was in one of the deepest recessions our city had ever seen.

My father had just been released from the hospital after having open-heart surgery. It was a few weeks before Christmas. It seemed like the worst time to start any project, especially the worst time to try to raise funds. Deep down he could hear God telling him to do it right then.

He heard God whisper, “Son, I want you to do it now so people will know it’s Me and not anybody else.”

You might not have the perfect job, people might not be treating you right, and you might not be getting the credit you deserve. That’s okay, because you’re not working unto people, you’re working unto God.

God strategically orchestrates our steps, how He doesn’t always take us in sequence from A to B to C. Sometimes He’ll take you two steps ahead, one step back, and then five steps forward. The key is to trust Him in those times when it feels like you’re going in the wrong direction.

CHAPTER FIVE God Is Your Source

It’s easy to look to people as our source or to look to our job as our source. Yes, God uses people, He uses jobs, and He uses contracts, but they are not the Source. They are simply a resource that the Source uses. If you’re seeing things other than God as your source, the problem is that if something happens to them, you’ll think, What am I going to do? The source has been cut off. No, the Source is just fine. God is still on the throne.

When Peter didn’t have money to pay his taxes, Jesus told him to go to the lake and catch a fish. The first fish he caught had a gold coin in it,

God was showing us how He can use different resources.

God has another fish.

When a door closes, when you have a setback, you have to remind yourself that the resource is not what’s blessing you; it’s the Source.

All through the day you should say, “Lord, I recognize You’re the Source of my life. Yes, this job gives me a paycheck, but You’re the Source of the income. This company gave me a job, but You’re the Source of this favor.”

The woman finally said, “Elisha, I do have one thing in my house, but really it’s nothing, just a small jar of olive oil.” She thought, Why should I even mention that? I have a huge debt, and all I have is something that’s worth a few dollars. Don’t discount the small thing that you have—the small opportunities, the small income, the small gifts. It may seem too small, but God knows how to multiply.

The Scripture says, “When you have faith the size of a mustard seed, which is one of the smallest seeds, you can say to this mountain ‘move,’ and it will move.”

God saw her being obedient, doing what she could. When you’re in difficult times, don’t sit around in self-pity. Do something where God can see your faith. Make plans to get well, make plans to come out of that trouble, make plans for God to show out in your life.

Have you taken any steps to show God that you’re ready to see His favor?

What God asks us to do, many times, is more about the obedience than the actual thing we’re doing. It’s a test. If you obey, you’ll see God’s favor.

a man named Naaman was a captain in the enemy’s army but he had leprosy. When he came to Elisha for help, Elisha told him to wash in the Jordan River seven times and he would be healed. Naaman was offended and came up with all these excuses about why he didn’t want to do it: “The water is dirty. We have better rivers back home.” He almost talked himself out of it, but finally he did as Elisha had instructed. When he came up out of the water the seventh time, his skin was perfectly normal. The healing wasn’t in the water, it was in the obedience.

receive this into your spirit: Healing is flowing, strength is flowing, restoration is flowing, freedom is flowing.

Isaiah said, “God knows where the hidden riches are found.” You know why? He’s the One who put them there. He’s the Source, the Creator, the Most High God. Nothing may be flowing now, but the Source knows where all the treasures are. He knows how to have you at the right place at the right time.

Go to the Source and say, “God, I can’t do this on my own. I’m asking You to turn this child around, bring this dream to pass, free me from this addiction, help me have this baby.” The Scripture says, “Call on the name of the Lord and He will answer you.”

God is saying, “Come to Me, ask Me for help, call on My Name, acknowledge Me every day as your source.” Peter worked all night trying to catch fish while Jesus was sitting on the shore with a fish dinner waiting for him. What you’re believing for, God has already prepared.

CHAPTER SIX A Public Display

God is going to do something in public. He’s going to show out to where you not only see His power, but people around you see His power.

God said to the Israelites in Exodus, “I will perform wonders never done before. All the people around you will see the awesome power I display through you.”

When you do as David did and pray, “God, make a show of Your favor,” that’s when God will make things happen that not only amaze you but amaze the people around you.

When you believe that God wants to show out in your life and you have the boldness to ask, God will display awesome power through you and other people will notice.

He’s going to display power through you so people around you will know He is God.

CHAPTER SEVEN Favor in the Storm

When we think of favor, we think of something good happening. We received a promotion. We met someone special. The medical report turned around. We know that’s the favor of God. But when we face difficulties—things aren’t going our way, we’re still taking the medical treatment, our finances haven’t turned around, or the promotion didn’t go through—it doesn’t seem as though we have favor. We have all these obstacles, but having favor doesn’t mean you won’t have challenges. Favor is what’s keeping those challenges from defeating you.

you have favor in the storm, favor taking the treatment, favor dealing with an addiction. The Scripture says that God’s favor surrounds you. It doesn’t come and go. It’s with you in the good times and in the tough times.

When we’re in the middle of a difficulty, sometimes we don’t recognize that we have favor.

stay in peace. You have favor in the storm. God is pushing back forces of darkness for you.

you could see behind the scenes, you would see Him pushing back the opposition. You would see Him making your crooked places straight, lining up the right people to help you.

You may not like the difficulty. It may not seem fair, but you’re going to come out of that storm free from things that would have held you back your whole life.

God told the Israelites, “The enemies you see today, you will see no more.” God is saying that to you.

Don’t be intimidated by the financial setback. Not having enough, lack, and struggle are not your destiny. You keep honoring God, being your best. You will come to a point where you see that no more.

You have favor in the famine. God will cause you to succeed in the middle of the trouble.

Isaac didn’t have to leave to get out of the famine and go somewhere else to be blessed. He had favor in the famine. God can increase you in spite of what’s going on around you.

“Father, thank You that I have favor in the famine. Thank You that You’re opening doors no man can shut, causing me to stand out, bringing opportunity. Thank You that whatever I touch will prosper and succeed.”

God is not limited by the conditions. He’s limited by our thinking. Why don’t you take the limits off Him?

Quit thinking of all the reasons why you can’t be blessed or accomplish your dreams,

You dared to take the step of faith. You dared to pray, to stretch, to plant, to believe. Now you’re seeing increase and favor. Don’t be surprised when the Philistines show up. The naysayers are not happy when they see you rising higher. They’ll find fault, criticize, and try to bait you into conflict. Just run your race.

In Chapter Two, I stated that a man named Zerubbabel was rebuilding the temple in Jerusalem. It had been destroyed years earlier, and the king had issued a decree to have it rebuilt.

the king ordered that work on the temple be stopped, and it came to a standstill for seventeen years.

Then the king issued a new decree especially directed at the opposition that said, “Do not hinder these people. Let them rebuild the temple. Not only that, but I decree that you are to help them. You are to use my funds to pay the full construction cost, and you are to take them food and supplies every day.” They meant it for harm. God turned it for good.

You don’t know what God is up to. Months after Job went into adversity, he not only came out, but he came out with twice what he had before. What looks as if it’s going to keep you from your destiny is rather going to launch you into a new level of your destiny. Those obstacles are not going to stop you. They’re going to promote you.

Problems are about to turn around. Unexpected blessings are coming your way, with breakthroughs, vindication, promotion, and healing.

CHAPTER EIGHT Your Set Time for Favor

there are set times God has already ordained to show out in your life.

After years of things being routine, average, you came into a season of growth, a season of increase, a season of blessing. What was that? A set time of favor.

The Psalms speak about how God’s favor surrounds us like a shield. It doesn’t come and go. Favor is always with us, but there are set times when God’s favor will show out.

all through the day, especially in the tough times, say, “Lord, thank You that it’s my set time for favor. Thank You that You’re helping me do what I could not do on my own.”

In Psalm 102, the psalmist was having an incredibly difficult time and began to pray. He went into great detail to list all his troubles.

says in verse twelve, “But You, O Lord, are still on the throne. For You will arise and have mercy on Zion, for the time to favor her, yes, the set time, has come.”

Now you have to let this seed take root inside. All through the week have this expectancy and say, “Lord, thank You that it’s my set time for favor, that You’re giving me power to do what I could not do before. Lord, thank You that You’re causing me to stand out, drawing the right people to me, that Your blessings and favor are overtaking me.” “Well, Joel, I believe maybe one day that will happen for me.” No, I’m asking you to come over into the now. Today is your set time for favor—

My father had a sister named Mary, and for years she struggled with a condition that caused her to have violent convulsions and terrible headaches.

while he was praying he heard God say this distinct phrase to him, not out loud but right down in his spirit: “The hour of Mary’s deliverance has come.” He heard what God said in Psalm 102: “The set time for Mary’s healing is here.”

He went over to Mary’s bed, and after he prayed for her, he said forcefully, “Mary, I want you to get up out of this bed.” All of a sudden, Mary sat straight up. She had not walked in months, but at that moment she

She was totally healed. This was a moment of favor.

You may not see it yet, but here’s the whole key: You have to walk by faith and not by sight.

CHAPTER NINE The God Who Crosses His Arms

God has unexpected favor for you. He’s going to do things that you didn’t deserve.

what God put in your heart, He’s not only still going to bring to pass, but it’s going to turn out better than you thought.

As Jacob did with Manasseh and Ephraim, God is adopting you in spite of what you did or didn’t do.

The Scripture says, “You’re going to come into houses that you didn’t build and vineyards that you didn’t plant.” Your past is not going to limit you.

Don’t waste your valuable time with people who won’t celebrate the blessing that God put on your life. Don’t apologize for it. Don’t try to downplay it. You didn’t choose it. God chose you.

I’m giving you what you don’t deserve. I’m taking you to a new level.”

God loves to choose people whom others say are not qualified.

In the Scripture, Gideon said, “God, I can’t lead the people of Israel against the Midianites. I come from the poorest family. I’m the least one in my father’s house.” God said, “Gideon, I know you’re not qualified, and I know you’re not next in line, but I’m going to cross My arms. I’m going to take you from the background to the foreground.

When Samson was being held in prison by the Philistines, he could have said, “God, I don’t deserve Your goodness. You gave me supernatural strength, and I blew it. I kept giving in to temptation. Now I’m blind, bound, grinding at the mill, and it’s all my own fault.” God said, “Samson, I knew every mistake you would ever make, and My mercy is bigger than anything you’ve done wrong. Yes, you should die defeated, feeling like a failure, but take heart. I’m going to cross My arms.” God blessed Samson with supernatural strength one more time, and he defeated more enemies in his death than he did during his whole lifetime.

The Scripture says, “Is the arm of the Lord too short to deliver you?” Do you think that somehow God’s arm can’t reach you, that you’re too far back, that you’ve made too many mistakes, missed too many opportunities, and have too big of a problem? Can I tell you that God’s arm is not too short to deliver you, to heal you, to provide for you, to free you, to vindicate you?

In the book of Luke, the angel said, “Mary, the Lord has decided to bless you.” There are some blessings that come from being faithful and doing the right thing when it’s hard. But there are times, as with Mary, as with Ephraim, when God has simply decided to bless you. You didn’t do anything to earn it.

People may rule you out, they may tell you it’s never going to work out, but God has the final say. He knows how to take you from the background to the foreground. When He decides to bless you, things are going to happen that you didn’t see coming.

CHAPTER TEN Just One Good Break

Do you know how we got the Compaq Center? Just one phone call. That’s how it all started.

A friend whom I hadn’t spoken to in a couple years called and said, “Joel, I have an idea for you. Let’s go to lunch.” The next day at lunch he told me that the Rockets basketball team was moving out of the Compaq Center and that Lakewood should try to purchase it from the city. When I heard that, something came alive inside. I knew we were supposed to pursue

When I got back from lunch, I called the mayor.

He said, “Joel, I think Lakewood having the Compaq Center would be great for the City of Houston.”

I’ve learned you don’t need everyone to be for you. You just need the right people to be for you. It

Those years when you were not being noticed, not seeing good breaks, not having much influence, those were proving years. You were showing God you could be trusted. You were doing the right thing when the wrong thing was happening, being your best when you weren’t seeing growth, and going to work with a good attitude even though nobody was giving you credit.

If you keep passing the test, the Scripture says, “Your due season is coming.”

Now quit worrying about who’s not for you. “Why won’t these people give me credit? Joel, I’d be further along if my coworkers would quit leaving me out.” Can I tell you that your coworkers can’t hold you back? Other people cannot keep you from your destiny.

Don’t Want What’s Not Supposed to Be Yours

When it’s your time, Samuel will show up. David’s father tried to convince Samuel to anoint one of his other seven sons. He thought David was too small, too young, too inexperienced. But no matter how hard he tried, Samuel wouldn’t do it. God was showing us that what has your name on it won’t go to anyone else.

Sometimes God will close a door that we can’t open, but there are times when, if we’re really stubborn and it’s not going to stop our destiny, God will let us have it our way. In this case, we obtained the business, but it wasn’t what I thought. It was a constant headache, it never really got off the ground, and it drained our time, energy, and resources.

we all have unfair things happen, but God wouldn’t allow it if He wasn’t going to somehow use it for our good. I also talked about how God can vindicate us better than we can vindicate ourselves.

You are just one good break away from God catapulting you to a new level.

This month, your whole world could change for the better. Now do your part. Pitch your tent in the land of hope. Give God something to work with. That’s not just being positive. That’s your faith being released.

You were not created to live in dysfunction, with addictions, and to be constantly struggling.

CHAPTER ELEVEN By This Time Next Year

Don’t believe the lies that it’s permanent.

One touch of His favor will put you into overflow. When you read this, it can sound too good to be true.

Just because you don’t see a way doesn’t mean God doesn’t have a way. It’s because He’s going to do it out of the ordinary; it will be unusual, you won’t see it coming.

For dreams that look as though they’ll take a lifetime to accomplish, get ready. It’s going to happen sooner than you think. Things are about to fall into place.

Some of these things you may not be able to see yet. It seems too far out, so unlikely, but our God is so great that it doesn’t mean it’s going to keep Him from doing it.

God has some of these “by this time next year” moments lined up for you where you’re going to look back and say, “Wow! I never dreamed I’d have this position, never dreamed my children would be doing this great, never dreamed I could build that orphanage.” Get ready for God to show out in your life.

You may be in one of these unfair situations that seem as though it’s never going to turn around. God is saying, “By this time next year, it’s going to change. By this time next year, you’re going to be vindicated, promoted, in a position of honor.” Why are you worrying? Why are you losing sleep? God is still on the throne. He hasn’t forgotten about you. Your time is coming. This looks like a stumbling block that you can’t get past. The truth is, it’s a stepping-stone that’s about to take you to a new level of your destiny.

God knows how to accelerate things.

CHAPTER TWELVE Commanded to Be Blessed

When we honor God with our lives and do our best to keep Him first place, the Scripture says God will command His blessing to come on us.

when God commands, there are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. It’s going to happen.

Because he’s honoring God, there is a commanded blessing on his life.

When you understand you have this commanded blessing, you won’t be upset because someone’s talking about you. You won’t be worried about your finances or discouraged because of a setback. You know every force that’s trying to stop you is powerless to change the blessing God put on your life.

When the enemy tells you all the reasons why you’re not going to get well, not get out of debt, not overcome the challenge, instead of agreeing with him, do as Balaam did and start speaking victory—speak health, speak favor, speak abundance.

The commanded blessing will override every person who’s tried to stop you. The commanded blessing will make up for what you didn’t get. It will cause people to go out of their way to be good to you. It will put you at the right place at the right time. People may have tried to push you down, but God is about to lift you up. They may try to keep you from your purpose, but they are powerless to change the blessing on your life.

The Scripture says, “When you obey, God’s blessings will chase you down and overtake you.” I’ve seen this in my own life. Most of the big breaks, the major events, came to me. I didn’t go after them. I was just honoring God, being my best, and they came after me.

Here’s the key: You don’t have to go after the blessing; go after God. Honor Him with your life, and the blessing will follow. God will command things to find you.

If you recall the previously told story of Ruth and Boaz, you see the commanded blessing in full display.

CHAPTER THIRTEEN Exceeded Expectations

sometimes what we have in mind is not God’s best. We think ordinary; God thinks extraordinary. We think, Let me have enough to get by; God thinks abundance.

We’re asking for the possible when God wants to do the impossible.

The apostle Paul said in Ephesians 3 that God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all we can ask or think.

God has some of these “I never dreamed” blessings in store for you. You may not see how it can happen.

One touch of His favor will catapult you where you could not go on your own. As Peter told the crippled man, I’m telling you to rise up and walk. It’s your time to be free. It’s your time to break bondages. It’s

God is so merciful. Even when we don’t have the faith, even when we think we’ve reached our limits, God says, “That’s okay. I’m going to show you favor in spite of that.”

God is about to show up and do something unusual, something that you haven’t seen. He’s going to exceed your expectation.

The Compaq Center wasn’t my idea. It was God exceeding our expectations. I grew up with season tickets, watching the Houston Rockets play basketball in that auditorium. Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that one day we would own this facility, and if you ever think that God can’t exceed expectations, just give Lakewood a visit some time and look around.

Give God something to work with. Dare to say, “Lord, thank You that You’re going to exceed my expectations. Thank You that You’re going to take me where I could not go on my own.”

He’s going to pay you back for what you’ve been through. Our attitude should be, Lord, thank You that You’re going to visit me again. Thank You that You’re going to do more than I ask. Thank You for exceeding my expectations.

You may have obstacles in your path and challenges coming against you today

You’re asking God to turn it around. Stay encouraged. God is not only going to bring you out, He’s going to have some spoils there. There is going to be some plunder. He’s going to bring you out better than you were before. He’s going to exceed your expectations.


What you’re believing for, the promises you’re standing on, the dreams you’ve been praying about, they’re already en route.

You don’t have to figure it out. Our job is to believe. Our job is to go out each day with expectancy and say, “God, I may not see a way, but I know You have a way. I believe my breakthrough is on the way.

You have the most powerful force in the universe breathing in your direction.

What God promised you is still going to come to pass. It’s not too late. You haven’t missed too many opportunities. If it had happened sooner, it wouldn’t have been the right time. Now is the time. Start believing again.

He’s saying new beginnings are on the way—new friendships, new opportunities.

The problem you’re facing is not too big for our God.

Why don’t you get up each day and say, “Father, thank You that abundance is coming my way. Thank You that I’ll lend and not borrow.

too many people have given up on what God put in their heart.

what you think is dead is not really dead. That seed is still alive.

Jesus looked into the tomb at Lazarus and called out in a loud voice, “Lazarus, come forth!” Lazarus woke up. He’d been dead for four days, but he came out of the tomb and went on to live for many more years. I believe that things you’ve given up on, things that you think are dead, like Lazarus, they’re about to wake up.

What you’ve given up on is not dead; it’s just asleep. That business you wanted to start, that book you wanted to write, that addiction you’ve been trying to break—every thought tells you, “It’s too late. You’re too old. It’s never going to happen.” No, get ready. God’s about to wake it up.

say this respectfully, but sometimes religion will try to talk you out of God’s best. It will tell you, “In the sweet by-and-by you can live a victorious life, but down here you just have to suffer through it, just endure. Don’t expect too much.” If Jesus were here, He would marvel at that unbelief.

Don’t let another person talk you out of what God put in your heart. Believe big, dream big, and pray big.

God is longing to be good to you. He wants to make you an example of His goodness so that everywhere you go, you don’t even have to say anything—your life is a testimony.

God’s favor is on the way. Abundance is on the way!

CHAPTER FIFTEEN Living Favor-Minded

God is saying to you what He said to Abraham: “I’m going to assist you. I’m going to provide you with advantages. I’m going to cause you to receive preferential treatment.” “Well, Joel, this never happens for me. I must not have this favor.” No, you have it, but the reason many people don’t experience it is that they’re not releasing their faith in this area. They’re not expecting good breaks. They don’t expect preferential treatment. They have an underdog mentality.

You have the favor of God. I’m not talking about being arrogant and thinking that we’re better than somebody else. I’m talking about living with boldness—not because of who we are but because of Whose we are. You are a child of the Most High God.

If you were born into the Kennedy family or Bill Gates’ family, you’re going to be treated differently. You’re going to expect favor that other people may not expect. The good news today is, you have been born into the right family. You come from a royal bloodline. Your Father owns it all. You need to hold your head high and start expecting to stand out in the crowd. Start expecting good breaks, divine connections, and opportunities to come your way.

Why don’t you start carrying yourself like you’re a child of the King? Why don’t you start expecting some advantages, some good breaks, even some preferential treatment?

start declaring, “I have the favor of God. People are drawn to me. People want to be good to me. People go out of their way to be nice.” That’s not just being positive; that’s releasing your faith. If you’re going to see an abundant increase of God’s favors, you can’t have a limited, short-end-of-the-stick, underdog mentality.

“Lord, thank You for Your favor.”

God knows how to give you an advantage. He knows how to put you at the right place at the right time.

You can’t reach your highest potential on your own. You need God’s favor. You need Him to assist you, to provide you with advantages, to cause you to have preferential treatment. Don’t be passive and think, If God wants to bless me, He’ll bless me. If He wants to give me a good break, He is God, and He can give me a good break. God is moved by our faith. When you expect it and declare it, that’s when the Creator of the universe can show up and do amazing things.

Psalm 5 says that God’s favor surrounds us like a shield.

The more aware you are of this favor, the more conscious you are that God wants to assist you, the more you’ll see His hand at work.

When something good happens, recognize that it’s the favor of God and then learn to thank Him for it. At the office, all of a sudden you have a good idea. It comes out of nowhere. “Lord, thank You for Your favor.”

What would happen if we would get up each day and pray this simple prayer from Genesis 12:2? “God, thank You today for an abundant increase of Your favor. Lord, thank You in advance for assisting me, for providing me with advantages, for causing me to have preferential treatment.” That’s how you will step into the fullness of your destiny.

If you develop this habit of living favor-minded, I believe and declare that God is going to assist you, provide you with advantages, and cause you to have preferential treatment. You need to get ready. You’re going to see an abundant increase of favor.

CHAPTER SIXTEEN Heavy with Favor

the prophet Isaiah took it a step further. He said, “Arise and shine, for the glory of the Lord is upon you.” That word glory in the original language implies God’s favor is heavy upon you.

when you realize you are heavy with favor, it takes on a whole new meaning. You won’t go around intimidated or insecure. You’ll put your shoulders back, hold your head high. When you know you have heavy favor, you’ll pray bold prayers. You’ll believe for the extraordinary.

I wonder how much further we would go, how many dreams we would see come to pass, if we really believed we are heavy with favor. Are you praying these bold prayers, expecting God to show out in your life?

Would you dare do as Joshua did and ask God to do something out of the ordinary, to bring your dreams to pass even though they look so far out, as though they’re not practical?

When you live with this expectancy, you’ll see God do things that are out of the ordinary.

the Scripture says, “You have not because you ask not.” How many things are we not seeing God do, not because He won’t do it but because we’re not asking?

when I walked into the jewelry store and met Victoria for the first time, she was one of those things I had not seen, heard, or imagined. God supersized what I was dreaming about. It took heavy favor to get her, let me tell you.

The apostle Paul said, “In the ages to come we would see the surpassing greatness of God’s favor.” We are living in the day Paul talked about, when we will see far-and-beyond favor. If you get your hopes up, start expecting it, praying bold prayers, believing for the extraordinary, when you arise, God will cause you to shine. He will show up and supersize what you’re dreaming about.

Now don’t you dare go around weak, afraid, and intimidated. You are so powerful. You are full of the anointing. You are heavy with favor. When the enemy looks at you, just as with Elisha, he thinks, I have to send a whole army to try to stop him. He may do his best, but his best will never be enough. When you’re heavy with favor, you cannot be defeated.

Purchase “The Power of Favor”.

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Review and highlights: 700 Sundays, by Billy Crystal


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