The secret social proof weapon for fitness trainers, coaches, and influencers.
Fitness trainers, health coaches, and influencers have a huge inherent marketing advantage: they can be be their own social proof:
“I look and feel like this, and you can, too.”
Social proof is the lifeblood of any fitness business. An investment in our health requires time, money, and, often, bouts of physical discomfort. Customer are placing a big bet, rife with emotional, physical, and monetary risk. There are real stakes in play.
So people want proof that your solution will meet their needs.
One of the best sources of social proof for any health professional is their personal story of transformation.
Often, someone gets into the health and fitness space because they found a way forward to better health. And now, they want to take others down that same path.
So share your own story, over and over again. Share the pain and suffering you felt before you started your journey. Share the moment, if there is one, of the breaking point where you took action. Share the peaks and valleys of your journey: the fear in starting, the wrong paths chosen, the elation of progress, and the despair of stagnation and setbacks.
Share it all, in rich emotional detail.
In so doing, you not only “prove” the value of your solution, but also your expertise. You’re not just pitching some abstract idea: you have lived this, dammit, and it works.
You also make yourself relatable. Fitness pros can seem unapproachable. They have achieved a level of physicality most aspire to but have not reached. Fitness content is often full of of high bravado. And “Instaworkouts”--pointlessly difficult or even dangerous exercise endeavors that look good on camera--can further create an aire of inaccessibility.
Sharing your story of struggle and transformation humanizes you, and reduces the intimidation factor prospects may feel in reaching out.
Share your story. You are your business’s best testimonial.
Personal stories of transformation, customer testimonials, professional credentials, scientific studies, celebrity or other authoritative endorsement.