Some not-so-super stats you won't see elsewhere today

The Super Bowl is here. And with it comes the common march of processed food and alcohol advertisers:

Bud Light
Mountain Dew
Michelob ULTRA
Bud Light Seltzer
Michelob ULTRA Organic Seltzer

For nearly a year now, we’ve been told to stay apart on holidays and other fun days, like Super Bowl Sunday. We’ve been told to distance. Wear a mask. Stay home.

And that’s all fine to some extent. But no politician talks about the exercise. Or eating more whole foods. Or getting leaner and stronger in order to better fight off COVID-19.

The CDD says being overweight or best heightens your changes of a “more severe illness” from COVID-19. As does type-two diabetes and heart disease, which often results from being overweight.

This year Americans will spend $2.6 billion on diet solutions, and yet we are more overweight than ever: 36% of Americans are obese.

Seventy-two percent of Americans over age 20 are overweight.

The costs of American’s health crisis are steep. We spend nearly $150 billion annually on obesity-related health care.

And that number, fo course, pales in comparison the lives unnecessarily lost.

So, enjoy the game today. (Go Bucs!) but be conscious of the entertaining messages served up to you from teh processed food industry. Those foods destroy health and lives.

With this awareness, you can create a gap between the messages you see on TV and the food on your plate.

Good health starts with awareness, and then awareness drives action.


Sam Adams is a stage-five clinger


Introverts and exercise