Book Review and Highlights:
The Little Black Book of Fitness Motivation, by Michael Matthews

The Little Black Book of Fitness Motivation, by Michael Matthews


"What’s the real enemy? The part of us that clings to fear, that refuses to let go of the past, that resists growth and change. Overcome that, and you overcome everything."

Michael Matthews is here to help you defeat yourself, to conquer your mind, to reset your actions and reinvent your body for the long haul. This book isn’t about specific workouts, it’s about how to get your ass to the gym over and over again. 

Deeply researched and referenced, The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation The Little Black Book of Workout Motivation throws everything but the kitchen sink at you in an attempt to get--and keep--you moving. The frameworks here are aimed at achieving fitness goals but are broadly applicable to anything we’re chasing in life.

Key Themes and Ideas

We need more than motivation 

Despite the title, Matthews really emphasizes what we need beyond motivation--which is fickle--in order to stick to our workouts and shape our health. Habits, mindsets, the ability to overcome our mind’s incredible capacity to pull us off course.

It ain’t supposed to be easy

I’m reminded of the phrase “embrace the suck” when encountering many of the ideas and suggestions in the book. Conquering our goals can be hard, mentally and physically. Rather than shying away from these challenges, Matthews gives us frameworks to sustain through the tough times. 


Writing Style 

Matthews’ style is somewhere between drill sergeant and grandmother, with a lean towards drill sergeant. He’s sympathetic to the challenges of consistent exercise (the whole book is about conquering that challenge, after all) but he doesn’t sugar coat or sidestep challenges, either. There’s a reason the world isnt’ overrun with fit people: building and sustaining fitness over the long run is hard. Life throws plenty of obstacles in the way, and often our mind is the biggest obstacle of all. Matthews calls all that -- and sometimes us -- out in a straightforward manner.  

Personal Reflection

As someone with 30+ years of consistent workouts, motivation isn’t my issue. However, it is for many people I talk to, and this book illuminated a lot of ideas and frameworks I can share with others struggling to build consistency. 

It also gave me a chance to reflect on just why I’ve been consistent all these years. There isn’t one root cause. One is positive reinforcement: I like being fit, and it’s easier than ever to stand out physically as I get older. Another is negative reinforcement: I loathe the feeling of a missed workout. A third is focus: my mind complains about workouts as much as anyone else’s, but I don’t listen. I’ve learned the protests are short-lived, and if I move through my mind’s squawking, it will quiet down and get out of the way.

We all have to learn our own ways to get the work done. The Little Black Book of Fitness Motivation gives us lots of fream

Quick quotes 

"If we have the power to change our bodies, we have the power to change our minds, our attitudes, and our lives. The process is the same."

"No matter what you’re facing in life, you have to meet it with courage, with determination, and with a willingness to fight. That’s what it means to be strong."

"People want to feel motivated before they act, but the truth is that action leads to motivation. If you wait for the perfect moment, it will never come. Start now, and the motivation will follow."

"We all have dreams and aspirations, but the key difference between those who achieve them and those who don’t is persistence. Don’t give up when things get tough. That’s when you need to push harder."

"Your mind can either be your best friend or your worst enemy. Learn to control it, and you can achieve anything."

"Success is not about talent or intelligence; it’s about the willingness to work harder, longer, and smarter than anyone else. Never underestimate the power of hard work."

"The road to success is paved with challenges, but each one is an opportunity to grow stronger, wiser, and more determined. Embrace the struggle—it’s part of the journey."