The unique difference in Apple’s Earth Day message

It’s Earth Day, which means we can expect lots of corporate and governmental messaging replete with virtue-signaling and admonishment. Call me cyncial, but words without action ring hollow, and people don’t respond well to guilt-inducing browbeating. The net effect of much of Earth Day messaging is skepticism and inaction. 

All of which is why I actually like Apple’s Earth Day video:

Rather than preaching or chastising, Apple looks to inspire people to action by telling the story of its own plans and processes. 

That makes a huge difference. 

As a result, Apple has taken a global leadership position on climate change and recycling. And, Apple is having some fun with it. There’s nothing in the messaging about the earth being in critical condition, or how awful we all are for, you know, living and consuming stuff. 

The messaging and tone are upbeat and forward moving. The message is optimistic. And it’s backed up by real actions. 

None of this means Apple is perfect on climate change and recycling. But Apple is pretty damn ambitious and inspirational about it. The company tells its story in a fun way that makes people want to join in. No browbeating required. 

The old writing axiom holds true: show, don’t tell. 

And a little fun and positivity never hurts, either.


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