“It is rare I come across a newsletter so densely packed with interesting snippets.”
— Harry Dry, Marketing Examples Newsletter
“I used your references in a leadership meeting the other day ... I enjoy reading these.”
— Glen Fish, CEO, Revere Plastics Systems, LLC
“The Mix Tape covers a wide range of topics and generations, so I find there is something for everyone. Whether it’s a review of a 70’s rock group or an explanation of how a new technology can assist in our clarity of expression, the focus is on improving our lives.”
— Kevin G Love, Ph.D. Professor, Central Michigan University
“Your newsletter is called The Mix Tape which is such an accurate name. It’s always a delight to get your newsletter in my inbox because you’re such an expert mix tape maker. You are able to blend all sorts of interesting insights, links, and tips in a well written package. It’s fast and easy to read while also providing added context if I want to delve deeper into the “discography” of the ideas and thinkers you promote. It’s very rare for a newsletter to be easy to read, insightful, and practical. Somehow you do all of these consistently every week. ”
— Pranav Mutatkar, Embrace Your Lazy
“The Mix Tape in my inbox every week is like grabbing a drink with an old friend. I learn something new, I feel like I get to know Matt a little better, and I finish reading feeling hugged and high-fived.
So many newsletters just pummel me with a salad other people’s thoughts, but I love how Matt keeps it personal.
This newsletter is always welcome in my inbox.”
— Cynthia Lou, cynthialou.com
“The Mix Tape was great! Love your sense of humor.”
— Andrew Barry, Curious Lion
“ Loving The Mix Tape. Definitely one of my favorites. ”
— Dan Greenwald, ThirtyTenZero
“Love the tone and structure of your writing, Matt!”
— Justin Mikolay, Investor/Sr. Writer at Gumroad, former speechwriter for Generals Mattis and Petraeus